So, what we always do upon travelling...a must have in my handbag
1. mask

2. hand sanitiser

3. wet tissue

image taken from
Those are the basic thing i always carry with me. Wet tissue is an alternative when i reach my destination and i'm too lazy to go to the toilet to wash my hand, this is another alternative to clean up my hand before i shake hand with my hubby. You can buy wet tissue at a cheap price at Watson or Guardian pharmacy.
You can log on to this website to know what you have to do as a precautions to this selsema babi. Of course, do a lot of prayers is the best thing... there must be a reasons why Allah let this happen. As a human being, we have to aware and take good action through this. Here in Langkawi, some of the mosque organised 'solat hajat', hoping that this disease will end.
Back to my entry... i'm having a long holiday this week and my husband and i had a journey back together ( after a looooong time travelling alone) with Air Asia . We felt quit uncomfortable coz we have to wear the face mask... looking at ur partner with only half of his face for me is a mix of feeling. At one time i'm sooo uncomfortable... then i felt like is that the eyes that shows he's smiling...bla...bla... but after all that just a feeling... poyos jer... these few days, the weather in Langkawi wasn't so friendly. It start raining from Friday night and never stop till the time we depart. Hmm...
at the departure hall...
this what happen when we forget to print the online tiket and
we bought online skybus tiket...
thanks to my bulky phone
hubby with red umbrella and the mask
us without the mask
curi-curi buka gak...
x puas plak semua gambar bertopeng
We break fast in the skybus.... mineral water and kueh from my mom (kuih ketayap)...and then at KL central... i was so depressed coz that crispy pizza closed when we the end we decided do dine at Burger King... ok la tu...makan jugak kan.
"Salam Ramadan Al Mubarak"