Alhamdulillah, first of all i would like to thank Allah for giving me the strength and good health to go through this Ramadan.
Giving me the most understanding and caring husband, i'm so blessed. My dear, thanks for celebrating the first year of Eid ul Fitr as a husband and wife in the beautiful paradise of Langkawi.

thanks sayang...
A day before 1 Syawal
Everybody (the whole family) gathered for the last break fast. Lotsa food for 1st Syawal served.

Late that night, we also play some bunga api (quite a lot jugak la)...hehehe...

1st Syawal
This is the first year celebrating Hari Raya Aidil Fitri with my beloved husband and family. We had a great celebration tho.... hohoho.
After solat, we went visiting relatives and... we ate a lot!!! (x pa la...raya)
2nd Syawal
Hubby and i went to buy things for my the upcoming wedding... and we had our 1st outside branch (breakfast & lunch) at Mc D.

Then... in the evening we went to cable car jalan
2... mengisi masa lapang...makan ice
cream, enjoying our quality time together..

Cooking... at night, we both decided to prepare our hidangan kasih sayang (hahaha...poyos)..
Hubby cooked macaroni cheese...
...and i cooked breads-crumb wedges and sausage roll... (itu jer yg i tau sedap kan..kan...kan..)
best gak main masak2 nie... huhuhu... we should do more often...
3rd Syawal

Hubby decided to go on a ride... so, we went out touring around Langkawi with the beauty..
What a ride...;) love love it sooooooooo much
4th Syawal
Congratulations Cik Ad and Cik La ( Fuad & Adilla)

.... then i realised, time fly sooo fast and a week with hubby just a few days left... i'm gonna miss him so much ...
Wah, raya ke 2 da bole lepak2 dah..besh masih lg kt rumah..cuci pinggan..huhuhu