Mungkin masih terlalu awai... tetapi for us yg kena budget giller2 nie kena lah buat perancangan awai la katakan. Some said jgn beli lagi barang2 bayi... x elok... pantang katanya. Tp time Parenthood Expo tue banyak barang2 yg di sale dan boleh save duit. Jadi kami berserah kepada Allah dalam perjalanan ini. So, i'm listing a checklist for the mommy and baby.
Our budget sgt tide... so, we need to do the shopping for the most important first. Bg yg tiada masalah kewangan mayb boleh spent their money at any time but bg kami yg baru nk mula hidup nie kenalah mengatur perbelanjaan... ikat perut jugak lah... hehehe
Some of my friends kata time expo tue barang2 spt steriliser, cooler, warmer, pump (accessories) harganya murah2... so, i'm planning for exclusive breast-feed jd time tue nk spent utk those things first... tp aku pun x la pernah g exhibition tu jd x leh bayang apa yg patut beli... barang budak boleh beli sket2 later...
so all mommies out there, please advise me on what important things to buy first!!! Need your help lorrrr... klu ada yg termissing or x penting... di inform..
Nie ader checklist yg i cilok from internet & bloggers...
Clothes: | |
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Feeding: | |
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Bathing/Baby Care: | |
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Beddings: | |
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Travel: | |
| later |
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| for fun only |
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For Mommy: | |
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| x tau apa benda nie |