Fasting During Pregnancy...

Salam Ramadan from Us
Ana & Anep

Alhamdulillah... thanks to Allah... this year dapat berpuasa dgn En Suami... this is our first year yg kitaorg properly fasting together and with the lil one inside. During my early pregnancy, i had a terrible morning sickness. I can eat almost nothing... even my fav food i'll vomit. Woke up 2.00 or 3.00 a.m and vomit again and sometimes it takes hours. I almost fainted during my teaching... that was my very first experience which i think i'm glad coz i'm a good daughter to my mom.

But then... when i'm back to normal, i eat almost everything... hahaha... and last check up i gain to the weight that i'm not suppose to weight in a month... but then the doc said nothing... some of my friends said... "jgn bagi besar sangat... susah nk beranak nnt..." ... " nnt x boleh bersalin normal"..."besarnya perut, perut u x boleh besar sangat... baru halfway...i dulu x mcm tue pun"... etc

This is typical rambling being around me... sometimes those thing will make me  feel so terrible... low self esteem... but i remember somebody said this to me and she make me alive..." tak pa... sekarang tgh lalu makan, makan dulu... nnt dah masuk fasa akhir tue jaga betul..klu boleh jgn makan banyak sgt... biar anak sederhana..."... mayb the way she talk make me feel soooo calm... plus i do read Ina May Gaskin book which keep my pregnancy motivation up!!!

* * *

Alhamdulillah... this first week of fasting and pregnant, i'm still energetic... in work especially... i even conduct in house training for Yr One teachers and up during break fasting i drunk a jar of watermelon juice... hehe

But... i keep eating just the amount i need, with more fruits and some veggies. Hopefully... i gain normal weight... plus i took 3 vitamins:

  • prossium (milk in tablets)
  • pramilet 
  • neurogain (suggested from my cousin Shu)

This raya... bertambah la paket duit raya utk anak buah... dulu 3 sekarang dah 4... hehehe... rajeki...rajeki...

Damia Zahra

Nie lagi sorang... dah dapat kawan baru dah x nk cakap dgn acunya... Kiko nie pun nk kena bagi duit raya gak ker?

Ameena Aisha & KIKO Jr

pki spek Abg Danish

KIKO Jr...

till then...


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  2. lan pula suruh makan segalanya semasa mengandung (berpada2 la tapi), sbb nanti bila dah beranak, semuaaaa benda pun makan dah kena control hehe. Neway, perut besar ke tak, kalau kandungan gula dalam badan semua ok, takde darah tinggi, then ok je... kawan shu anak 4.3kg bersalin normal juge, badan die kecik je orangnye. So my advise, kita kena dengar pengalaman org, tapi jangan take it to heart sbb PREGNANCY IS UNIQUE, lain org memang lain... Rindula ana, bila dapat berbuka sama2 ni......?????

  3. yup... typical rambling... reading Ina's May book buatkan kita rasa bersemangat... and all that she wrote in the book mmg typical old folks slalu ckp... hehehe... malas layan janji both baby and i sihat..

    Iftar? ~ entahlah... sek petang nie mmg malas bermalasan lorrr... this week pun saturday school... hehe..

  4. Sabo Sabokan diri..relexkan diri...
    pentingkan kesihatan...kene makan gak..kene berkhasiat lagi..
    take care...selamat berpose..
