After session 1, now i continue with the 2nd session of our antenatal a week after. On the 27th November 2010, we continue our class.
As usual the programs are :
- STEMCELLS (The miracle of stem cells) ~ Matron Patricia Soepadmo
- Obstetrics And Gynaecology ( Developement Of Fetus, Understanding stages of labour) ~ Dr Surrinder Singh
- Lucky draw ~ no more lucky no 8 coz we got no 5
- Labour And Delivery Ward (Breastfeeding) ~ SRN Cheah
- Care of Newborn ~ SRN Cheah and assist by Nurul (JR Nurse i think)
- Rehabilitation Centre (Pre and Post Natal Exercise) ~ Brandon Lee
this is a long text and pictorial entry
goodie bag for this week
gambaq wajib lagi..
The second session is a bit packed... coz every slot is very important and there's lotsa questions by parents. It's not a boring sessions at all.
STEMCELLS (The miracle of stem cells) ~ Matron Patricia Soepadmo
Have u ever heard about stem cells? We do take and hear the explanation during the parenthood expo before but neither of us really bothered about it at all. But, when we're forced to hear about it... then Alhamdulillah we are understand about it coz the spokesperson are the experts and they're doing it at TMC . And Dr Surrinder himself one of the experts about it. The explanation was complete and understandable.
During this session, the explanation is more to cord blood stem cell ( tali pusat ). For more details about these you can browse their web site.
Our review :
- very important for family with genetic problems such as heard attack, leukemia, stem cell disorder, thalassemia, brain tumor... and many more.
- kalau mmg dalam keluarga ada faktor perwarisan spt penyakit2 tersebut, agak berbaloi utk simpan stem cell (sel utama yg terdiri drp 1 sel yg boleh membahagi, membentuk sel Ephithelial, sel darah merah, sel pd muscle, dalam saraf) nie.
- the cost is very expensive tp klu mempunyai sejarah keluarga ia akan berbaloi kemudian hari. Untuk nk simpan stem cell yg kita dapat dr tali pusat bayi nie pun utk setahun RM2500 +RM250 utk tempat storage. Kita boleh simpan hingga 21 tahun... so plus minus 1 tahun RM2750, 21 tahun dlm RM57000 ++. Tp, untuk yg berkemampuan, tak rugi invest utk ini. Middle class citizens mungkin sedikit membebankan kecualilah ada sejarah keluarga yg memungkinkan generasi seterusnya mewarisi masalah tersebut. Ini kerana telah terbukti pesakit Leukemia (salah seorang Dr jugak) telah sembuh dari penyakitnya dan a few testimonials lagi.
- Stem sel yg diambil dari tali pusat anak nie berkesan almost 100% utk anak tersebut dan 25% kpd ahli keluarga yg lain.
- Bak kata Dr Surrinder, in future, the technology in medication is into this... looking 20 years and above.
Few Questions asked during session:
- How many years we can store the stem cel? Right now up to 21 years maximum. If you pay for 21 years ahead, and u already used the stem cell earlier, the remaining balance will return to the customer.
- How many time can we use the stem cell collected? It's advisable once only. Research still being done.
- If we store the stem cell, and after about 10 years can we sell it? The company have no right to sell the stem cell but the parents have the right... but better amongst family / relatives...
- How many percent does stem cell match the baby? 100% match and for family and relatives 25%.
- Can we use a small portion first then the next disease take another portion? No. One time only... this cord blood stem cells more to blood problems (disease). And it's advisable to store more stem cell (more money investment lorrr).
End of session 1 which has dragged about 30mins from the schedule...
Obstetrics And Gynaecology ( Developement Of Fetus, Understanding stages of labour) ~ Dr Surrinder Singh
He's good experience Dr... and funny too
Dr Surrinder start the talk about Point of Interest in labour and birth. He explain in details about sign and symptoms on onsets of labour.
pictures credits to Dr Surrinder Singh slide
- show ~ x penting, wakenabeb... which En suami and i dah terkena awai... some said false alarm...BH and etc... somehow our baby dah mencuakkan kitaorg awai2 sblm sempat g kelas. That's why i said this antenatal class ken g awai2... ;)
- Leaking of liquor (pecah air ketuban) ~ ok, boleh g hospital IMMEDIETLY... tp x perlu gopoh gapah kerana it will take beberapa jam pulak utk proses deliver sebenar.
- Abdomen/back pain ~ last 30sec about 2/3 mins ( dlm 2 atau 3 minit sakit tue berlaku dlm 30saat setiap serangan). Ini tanda nak bersalin. Dan menjadi semakin kerap setiap kali serangan/kontraksi. Go hospital SLOWLY... ;). Tp klu dah smpi ada perasaan nak meneran then don't take risk.. cepat2 g hospital coz " u don't want ur baby to deliver in the car ~ Dr Surrinder"
- Stages Of Labour
- Stage 1
- Pangkal Rahim terbuka 0-10 cm ( 10 cm coz the baby head is 10cm then he want to go out)
- Mengambil masa 8 - 12 jam.. jd x yah berebut g hospital
- Stage 2
- PUSH bayi keluar (30-60mins)
- Stage 3
- Teran utk keluarkan placenta/uri (10-30 mins)
pictures credits to Dr Surrinder Singh slide
- Pain Relief In Labour
- Epidural Procedure ( Advantages & Complication ) pictures credits to Dr Surrinder Singh slide
- Repair of Episiotomy ( jahitan pada tempat peranakan ) pictures credits to Dr Surrinder Singh slide
if the Dr asked Vacuum / Forceps... choose vacuum
Labour And Delivery Ward (Breastfeeding) ~ SRN Cheah
Care of Newborn ~ SRN Cheah and assist by Nurul
Care of Newborn ~ SRN Cheah and assist by Nurul
SRN Cheah and Assistant Nurul
how to breastfeed...
- Breastmilk / susu badan
- bagus dan paling sesuai utk bayi
- ada colostrum sbg lapisan pelindung utk badan bayi
- lindungi bayi dr allergi dan virus
- cukup bekalan air utk bayi / klu susu formula kita kena bagi air masak lps tue
- Kepentingan susu ibu
- baik utk perkembangan bayi (otak, pergerakan, emosi...)
- menghalang ibu mengandung (natural birth plan) ttp dgn syarat ibu mesti exclusive breastfeed... klu x potensi mengandung masih ada.
- senang, mudah dan selesa
- Kesan ubat-ubatan dlm penyusuan
- pengambilan ubat-ubatan akan di salur semasa penyusuan. Jd klu x sihat, bg tau Dr kata kita menyusu anak. Selepas ambk ubat jgn terus breastfeed, tunggu 2-3 jam then br menyusu ataupun menyusu anak dulu baru ambik ubat. Same goes to non-muslims who take DOME/liquor ... but better don't take la...
- bg org melayu pun, pengambilan jamu adalah tidak digalakkan semasa tempoh berpantang terutamanya... tunggu smpi baby dah kuat dan sihat baru ambik... pengambilan jus halia (pati halia) tidak digalakkan dalam tempoh penyusuan/berpantang
- Cara-cara penyusuan
- will upload a video later
Rehabilitation Centre (Pre and Post Natal Exercise) ~ Brandon Lee
Ini senaman yg digalakkan semasa mengandung dan selepas mengandung. Dan sesuai jugak utk lelaki. Bagi ibu mengandung, utk pertama kali jgn terus drastik. Buat perlahan-lahan... kemudian increase sikit demi sedikit. Senaman nie bagus sbb i've been doing it through my pregnancy... from my first Trimester. Jd alhamdulillah sentiasa sihat dan bertenaga...
Videos will be uploaded later...
after all this only classes for beginners, teori sahaja...
the real process of learning is during the BIG day...
like SRN Cheah said, u'll learn it naturally...
End up with...
this is the cute gal we've been eying on the couple of weeks...
hehehe...she's relly cute...
till then