Reason 1:
Mama lil prince wasn't in a good health...
Staring from :
- fever - a few days fever, mayb sbb musim budak2 demam... mayb sbb gigi kapak atas tu nk keluar, mayb sbb gusi bengkak... mcm2 mayb lah... but usually after 1 day the fever gone, tp kali ni... gone but the come again... don't wanna take any risk.... off to Pusrawi we met the Child Specialist... Dr Ruzini Bt Abd Ghani. Doc said, he's slowly recovering... she check everything and nothing serious to worry about, and becoz....
- mild eczema - alang2 dah jumpa pakar, mama did ask why Faruq Hakim under eye swelling, and his body ada tempat gatal2 bla bla... merah2 bla bla... Dr Ruzini said, he got mild eczema, mama was sooo dammed worried, asking this and that... and the doc said, don't worry... just take extra precaution, use suitable soap, moisturizer... dusk... *long list ..... and that's one of reason he's slowly recovering from his fever, besides he's at his best condition...
- allergic - after Faruq Hakim recover from his fever (that cause his weight loose...) a week after, we had lunch somewhere at Kepong, and mama's sharing seafood rice spoon with my lil Prince, and on the dot... a few red spots came out... and getting more and more and more the next day, mama taught at 1st bcoz of the barley... but NO... the seafood spoon... OMG... he's allergic to seafood!!! Take a medicine from Dr Fauziah Clinic... the next day, he was back to normal.... but, that's wasn't the end...
- infection - the next couple of day recovering from allergic, at the most busy morning mama that day, noticed that something from his ear... berair... NO... bernanah!!! ok, wait till mama finish from school first sbb ayah was at his busy week too... he got courses to attend to, tq to Aunty Zaty... but, prescription given this time, x berapa serasi dgn Faruq Hakim, so... mama free sekejup and ayah pun finished his courses, we bring u back to the child specialist... but this time meeting Dr Hj Kamruddin B Ahmad, he was soo calm... sejukkk jer tgk Dr nie... and he did take a sample from the ear, and the result in a few days.... he did change the antibiotic from the previous prescription, and set another appointment... mama really hope that, Faruq Hakim fully recover by this week... Amin.
- .... and mama was sooo sad looking at all the medicine bottles for MFH... banyak kowttt.... hanya Allah yang tahu...
Reason 2:
Work... work... work...
People always said that being a teacher was easy... lotsa free time... goyang kaki ... gaji banyak kerja separuh hari... bla bla bla... setahun jagung nie I'am a teacher... rasa x sempat nak vacation pun...
... work loadssss.... teaching, marking papers, completing all documentations, meeting, key in data (online offline hardcopy softcopy), relief classes, train students for children day... hari anugerah... etc...check file... and the work load is increasing.... cuti sek kena 1st week meeting.... then rest a week, wajib ngajar kelas tambahan (klu org cakap dibayar- this wasn't confirm yet b coz, last year punya pun x dapat bayaran)... then b 4 christmas kena return ke sek sbb meeting lagi... lagi n lagik...
yg terkilannya sbb... a few job assign to teachers was ad hock... whilst most of teachers gotta go back home for kenduri kendara, jumpa mak ayah... family vaccay... and yg sedih lagi bila i tanya lek lok, siap perli itu ini... ok la yg berada di atas... dunia ni umpama roda... nnt kena sendiri baru paham kowt... sekian terima kasih...
Reason 3:
Self Motivational Slot ...
... thinking of continuing my study... alang2 masih berada di kotaraya ni, igt nak rebut peluang sambung belajar... Insyaallah...
Reason 4:
My BB kaputt... can't bloq via bb... coz my lil prince punya air lioq sudah menyerang electronics dlm bb... mama sayangggg Faruq Hakim... ahakssss
Reason 5:
No reason actually, just for my expression of feelings... self counseling....
... i was so depressed, bila org pertikaikan perkara2 spt :
- ... did she know _______
- why he's so ________
- his mother ________
I'm sadden by these... I am a RESPONSIBLE ____
tq... tq... tq... (sensored sket... hehehe...)
After all... we had soooo much fun together!!!
Let get together... yea yea yea...
Tq ayah... hehehe... macam pelakon jepun semua!!!
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:: the 3 of us @ Jusco MV :: my happiness !! :: |
aku xsangke anep pandai bergaya smpi mcm tu sekali..faruq hakim, sile ikut mama ye..hahaha beb, i feel you..kene byk bersabar..jadik mak ni, sume menda nk kene pikir kan..psl anak, suami n diri sendiri..pape pon, anak mesti jd yg pertama kat fikiran kite kan..:)